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Who Am I?

I am a creative healer and coach who is lit up by self-discovery and holistic well-being. My own path of inner inquiry and curiosity as a life-long learner has led me to my career in well-being coaching and facilitation. 


I am energized to make audacious well-being accessible and tangible, not just another self-help book that you read and put back on the shelf. Meditation is a core practice of my self-care routine and is a place where I return again and again to re-center and to seek inner guidance. Meditation comes in many forms for me and I allow my practice to evolve and meet my needs in any given season of life. My meditation practice can look like breath work, long drives getting lost in the mountains, splashing ice-cold river water on my face, silence, connected conversation (with self or others), guided meditations, mindfully sipping my morning coffee, visualizations, future forecasting, and more. 


In my late 20’s, I was living in Boston and went to the doctor’s office complaining of a heaviness sitting on my chest. The bewildered look and inhaler prescribed by the doctor was not the type of medicine that I needed. It was then that I re-committed to a process of getting to know my true self, not to the version of me that I thought I was supposed to be. I was living a life that “presented” well- close to family, a meaningful non-profit job, running marathons, living in the South End of Boston, surrounded by friends and sushi dinners. How could I possibly be unhappy? But, there was a heaviness in my soul that I could not seem to shake. 


And so, I began. Step-by-step, getting closer to my core. Deconstructing parts of my past and re-constructing who I was born to be. Meditation, retreats, energy coaches, and slowing dooowwwwnnnn were, and still are, critical components to my healing journey. 


I am dedicated to continued cultivation of my heart’s intuitive knowing and on a mission to ignite the inner wisdom in us all through self-discovery and community connection. I have adopted the term well-being to intentionally shift the focus from external wellness practices to an inside-out holistic approach to healing. Wellness of your BEING. This approach is not always easy, but it is always worth it.


After doing the inner work to discover who I am and fall in love with my true essence, I began to live a life beyond ordinary, a life I have dreamed about. I will spend the rest of my life helping others to live their own version of an ignited life, from the inside-out.

What is Soul Trust Ignite?

Soul Trust Ignite is a well-being coaching and facilitation business that exists to ignite inner knowing through introspective self-discovery and interactive community connection. We focus on designing programs that curate connective experiences, and activate long-lasting well-being implementation strategies. 


All Soul Trust Ignite programs and offerings are built from our three-part methodology: Soul, Trust, and Ignite. Soul is focused on self-inquiry and courageous remembrance of who you were born to be. Trust is all about loving and trusting yourself, your team, and your environment. Ignite is the process of taking aligned actions to show up as the best version of yourself. Transformational living is cultivated from the inside out.At Soul Trust Ignite, we believe in a holistic approach to well-being.


Meditation is a foundational tool at Soul Trust Ignite. Every coaching session, well-being workshop, or retreat morning is kicked off with guided meditation. There is no “one size fits all” to meditation; therefore, all participants are guided to develop a personalized meditation or mindfulness practice that feels good and true to their authentic style. 


Are you ready to ignite your soul? Hanna supports clients through one-on-one coaching, well-being workshops, and retreats to discover optimal wellness through developing a deeper relationship with themselves and who they were made to be.

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